Monday, March 26, 2012

Help finding the Max Total


I have the following code

SUM(CASE WHEN LedgerAR.Period = '200408' AND LedgerAR.TransType <> 'CR'
THEN Ledgerar.amount * - 1
ELSE '0' END) AS BillExt
LEFT JOIN Ledgerar ON PR.WBS1 = Ledgerar.WBS1 AND
PR.WBS2 = Ledgerar.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = Ledgerar.WBS3
WHERE PR.WBS2 <> '98' AND pr.wbs2 <> '9001'
AND pr.wbs2 <> 'zzz' AND pr.wbs3 <> 'zzz' AND
pr.wbs1 = '001-298'

It prints out:
Wbs2 BillExt
0141 0
0143 0
1217 20580

I want the code to return the wbs2 code '1217' because it has the highest amount in BillExt '20580'.

Can someone help me with this?

lauraThe quick and dirty version...

select top 1 a.WBS2, a.BillExt
SUM(CASE WHEN LedgerAR.Period = '200408' AND LedgerAR.TransType <> 'CR'
THEN Ledgerar.amount * - 1
ELSE '0' END) AS BillExt
LEFT JOIN Ledgerar ON PR.WBS1 = Ledgerar.WBS1 AND
PR.WBS2 = Ledgerar.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = Ledgerar.WBS3
WHERE PR.WBS2 <> '98' AND pr.wbs2 <> '9001'
AND pr.wbs2 <> 'zzz' AND pr.wbs3 <> 'zzz' AND
pr.wbs1 = '001-298'
order by BillExt desc|||Nothing dirty about it...|||That would be nice if there was only 1 record that needed to be returned.
select a.WBS2, BillExt=max(a.BillExt)
SUM(CASE WHEN LedgerAR.Period = '200408' AND LedgerAR.TransType <> 'CR'
THEN Ledgerar.amount * - 1
ELSE '0' END) AS BillExt
LEFT JOIN Ledgerar ON PR.WBS1 = Ledgerar.WBS1 AND
PR.WBS2 = Ledgerar.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = Ledgerar.WBS3
WHERE PR.WBS2 <> '98' AND pr.wbs2 <> '9001'
AND pr.wbs2 <> 'zzz' AND pr.wbs3 <> 'zzz' AND
pr.wbs1 = '001-298'
group by a.WBS2
order by BillExt desc|||Now going a little further once I find the maximum total what if I then have to insert a value in that record. Is there a way to do this without using subqueries and instead using case statements?

For instance :

Wbs2 BillExt MaxValue
0141 0 0
0143 0 0
1217 20580 1

Laura|||That would be nice if there was only 1 record that needed to be returned.

Which is wat she asked for...I left my mind reading hat at home...

Laura....INSERT What to Where?

Insert into that record?

I don't understand.|||I'm sorry it's hard to describe what I am asking.

If I have the following information in a table:

WBS1 Amount MAX
0141 0
1217 2
1222 200

I first want to find the maximum of amount which is 200. Next, I want to put a 1 in the MAX column where the largest sum appears in amount.

Ending result:

WBS1 Amount MAX
0141 0
1217 2
1222 200 1

Is this possible?|||Well, once you know the ID of the record with the highest value you can issue and UPDATE statement to set its MAX field value to 1. But you will also need to issue an UPDATE statement to reset all other MAX field values that might have been the largest value before.

I can't recommend marking a record as the "Maximum value" when that status can change at any time. It is better to have a function or view or stored procedure that finds the maximum record dynamically.

Why do you want to mark this record and what are you going to do with it?|||Well, I simplified this example quite a bit to generate ideas for myself. But What I am supposed to do is create a report for accounting.

Accounting bills there clients based on services provided. Each service is designated codes. What is supposed to happen in one of the reports is to print the total reimbursable amount into the service that was billed the most.

There is no insertion are update that can be done it is just for display purposes only.

One of the restrictions that I have been under is that I cannot use subqueries only case statements which makes it even more difficult.

So I may have to go an entirely different path.

Thanks for your help,
Laura|||You can't use subqueries? What kind of lunacy is that?

You could still use a stored proc that first loads the MAX value's primary key into a variable and then uses the variable in subsequent queries.

Can't use subqueries? Kindly direct the person who gave you that directive to this informative website:|||Well, I simplified this example quite a bit to generate ideas for myself. But What I am supposed to do is create a report for accounting.

Accounting bills there clients based on services provided. Each service is designated codes. What is supposed to happen in one of the reports is to print the total reimbursable amount into the service that was billed the most.

There is no insertion are update that can be done it is just for display purposes only.

One of the restrictions that I have been under is that I cannot use subqueries only case statements which makes it even more difficult.

So I may have to go an entirely different path.

Thanks for your help,
LauraCan you "cheat" and JOIN a virtual table? Technically that isn't a sub-query.


Side note to Blindman, I'm going to have to bookmark that site!

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