Monday, March 26, 2012

Help Filling Dataset

I have a class that works fine using the SQLDataReader but when I try and duplicate the process using a Dataset instead of a SQLDataReader it returnsa a null value.

This is the code for the Method to return a datareader


SqlDataReader GetOrgID()


Singleton s1 =Singleton.Instance();

Guid uuid;

uuid =


SqlConnection con =newSqlConnection(conString);

string selectString ="Select OrgID From aspnet_OrgNames Where UserID = @.UserID";

SqlCommand cmd =newSqlCommand(selectString, con);


"@.UserID",SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, 16).Value = uuid;


SqlDataReader dtr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

return dtr;

This is the code trying to accomplish the same thing with a Dataset instead.

publicDataSet organID(DataSet dataset)


Singleton s1 =Singleton.Instance();

Guid uuid;

uuid =


string queryString ="Select OrgID From aspnet_OrgNames Where UserID = @.UserID";

SqlConnection con =newSqlConnection(conString);

SqlCommand cmd =newSqlCommand(queryString, con);


"@.UserID",SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, 16).Value = uuid;

SqlDataAdapter adapter =newSqlDataAdapter();

adapter.SelectCommand = cmd;


return dataset;


Assume that the conString is set to a valid connection string. The Singlton passes the userid in from some code in the code behind page ...this functionality works as well.

So assume that the Guid is a valid entry..I should return a valid dataset but its null.

Additionally if I change the sql query to just be Select * From aspnet_OrgNames I still get a null value...I am assuming I am doing something wrong trying to fill the dataset.

Any help would be appreciated.


Are you passing in a valid dataset which is not null?
include a ' dataset = new DataSet(); ' before you fill in the data and check if it works
if it does, it just means you passed in a null value...


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!


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