Friday, March 30, 2012

Help in database design

I am designing an inventory database in which I need some help, I have the following entities:

Wireless Card
ADSL Modem
Acer centrino 1.6
Acer centrino 1.73
3COM 4x1
25 hours Wi-fi access
50 hours Wi-fi access

Package A:
Acer centrino 1.6
3COM 4x1
25 hours Wi-fi access
Package B:
Acer centrino 1.73
3COM 4x1
50 hours Wi-fi access
I made a table for the items having the following fields: Item_ID, Item_Name
and another for the Models having: Model_ID, Model_Name, Item_Type(Foreign Key to Items table)
up to this point is this correct?
About the packages table, I don't know if it is correct to have a field for each model (one for notebook, other for modem, and other for wireless card) like this it would be like having 3 foreign keys to the same table but nothing distinguishes them
I don't know how to relate the packages and the models table.
Any recommendations for a proper design for those entities?

I would use the relational data model, and design it as follows. I really can't show you how the Items table is to be implemented in this schema as I haven't seen how you intend to use that table yet.

Table: Items
Columns: ItemID, ItemDescription

Table: Models
Columns: ModelID, ModelDescription

Table: Packages
Columns: PackageID, PackageDescription

Table: PackageModels
Columns: PackageID, ModelID

|||Also look like a relationship (1-M) between item and model although the naming seems strange.|||

Thanks for your replies,but they were a little bit late, I already finished the projectSmile [:)]

Here is the design I used, maybe it would be useful for anyone who might face something like that.

Items Table

Item_ID, Item_Name

Models Table

Model_ID, Model_Name, ItemType(FK to Items table,i.e. this model is of which item type)

Packages Table

Package_ID, Package_Name


Package_ID, Item_ID, Model_ID

|||I'm suprised that Model isn't independant of item.|||


I need to specify whether hp nx6110 is a notebook,router or card and so on for other types.

|||argh, sorry the naming has confused me yet again.

Help in crystalReorts8.5

Hi all,

How to get hours between two datetime ranges.
Actually i have to do (enddatetime-startdatetime) and it converts into hours
plz help meuse datediff function

hope it helps you|||Thanks for your reply

But if i use datediff function as you suggested,getting hours

i mean i am getting round fig : 1 hour and 2 hours likethat
but i need if it contains 1 hr 30 mins need to get 1.30

but iam getting 1 hr instead of 1.30

do u have any idea abt that|||u can find minutes and divide by 60 u will get in hrs

datediff('n',sdate,edate)/60|||Thanks for ur reply
but small problem make in grand total

i get this values like that
3.35 (instead of 3.36)
i get this value
what is the problem in this|||1.12 is not actually 1 hr and 12 mins

since 124/60 is not rounded off thats tats y u r not getting correct sum.

u can use

datediff('h',datetime('1:20pm'),datetime('2:22pm'))&'Hr'& datediff('n',datetime('1:20pm'),datetime('2:22pm'))-datediff('h',datetime('1:20pm'),datetime('2:22pm'))*60 & 'Min'

which returns

but u cannot perform any sum on this as it is return string|||thanks for reply,

but i want grantotal of total hours
what can i do
is there any alternative
plz reply me|||Thanks for ur reply
but small problem make in grand total

i get this values like that
3.35 (instead of 3.36)
i get this value
what is the problem in this

Hi use this


hope it works for u

Help in crystal reports 8.5

Hi all

I am working on Crystal reports 8.5
In one report we need to display weekdays and weekends in every month for the given date range

I mean

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Days of Service
Weekdays Number of weekdays in the month
Weekends Number of weekends in the month

And I need to calculate total of some items from Friday after 3 pm

2) In another report I am using stored procedure to get fields
As per my knowledge we cannot use other than one stored procedure in crystal reports 8.5
So I am using sub report to get some more fields other than stored procedure fields

But in main report I need to get sub- total of fields in sub report.

Could any one please help me out?You would use the Crystal Reports ( shared variable functionality. In your subreport you would have a formula field something like this:

Shared numbervar myTotal;
myTotal := myTotal + {field name}

Add this field to the subreport and suppress it.
Then in the main report you need another formula something like this:

Shared numbervar myTotal;

The subreport keeps adjusting the total while printing records and the main report simply displays this value.

Hop this helps!|||Thanks for your reply
it works for me

help in crystal report & dataset

I'm the new beginer in C#,I have some problem in doing crystal report:
In my application I have 2 form named Form1 and Form2.
I create one dataset named ds in Form1 and in Form2 I want to creat a crystal report that displays the data in the dataset ds in Form1.
I relly get stuck.Can anyone help me?
Thanx b4 hand!See if you find answer here

Help in Crystal Report


I am new in crystal report (using Currenlty, my report format
looks like below:

School : ABC
Class : A1
Details Stud1 IC No1 Address1
Stud2 IC No.2 Address2

Page Footer: Page 1

School : ABC
Class : A2
Details Stud3 IC No1 Address1
Stud4 IC No.2 Address2

Page Footer: Page 2

School : DBF
Class : A1
Details Stud1 IC No1 Address1
Stud2 IC No.2 Address2

Page Footer: Page 3

School : DBF
Class : A2
Details Stud3 IC No1 Address1
Stud4 IC No.2 Address2

Page Footer: Page 4

Both School and Class formula were placed in Page Header. Also, I have
two group headers ie. School then follows by Class (before the details
section). Currently, the report prints at new page for every different

How do I print the all classes of the same School continuously without
page break; and only move to new page if the current page has been
filled up. I need both the Class and School names to appear in every
new page. Also, For every new school, it should be a fresh new page ie.
should not mix the details with other school. Can anyone help in this
problem? Many thanks!Hi,

I hope you are using two groups. That means the grouping is made on "School" field as well as "Class" field. uncheck the "NEW page AFTER" under the "Class " group footer and check the same in "School" group footer.
For heading should be shown in all pages, check the "Repeat Group header on each page" Group Expert option

I hope , you got what you wanted

Help in creating xsd file

Hello everybody,
I have following XML and i do want to create xsd file to BulkLoad data
into SQL SERVER table, so pls help me how can i create xsd file out of
following XML file...
<ADESC>General test</ADESC>
You post may be better answered in microsoft.public.sqlserver.xml
Check out the following on how to use updategrams
"mvp" wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I have following XML and i do want to create xsd file to BulkLoad data
> into SQL SERVER table, so pls help me how can i create xsd file out of
> following XML file...
> <PID>10649280</PID>
> <ACT>
> <AID>0000</AID>
> <ADESC>General</ADESC>
> </ACT>
> <ACT>
> <AID>10000</AID>
> <ADESC>General test</ADESC>
> </ACT>
> <PID>10649489</PID>
> <ACT>
> <AID>20000</AID>
> <ADESC>General</ADESC>
> </ACT>
> <ACT>
> <AID>3001</AID>
> </ACT>

Help in creating Dynamic Rows!


I am trying to create a dynamic row. Say for example, I want to list all the "Employees" belonging to a particular department say "Physics". So, I would want every employee name to be in a separate row. How do I go about doing this? Any help/suggestions is appreciated.


Using a matrix, this is possible if you add a group based on Department, a group based on Emeployee name, and data values in the data section of the matrix. Here is an example of the output:


Joe Smith


Mike Jones


Kelly Roberts



Sarah Paulson



Robert Paulson


Rob Sam


You can also do this with a table. Add a group based on Department and add the the employee fields to the details row. The output would look something like this,


Joe Smith


Mike Jones


Kelly Roberts



Sarah Paulson



Robert Paulson


Jimmy James


Below is an RDL that demonstrates this.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
<DataSource Name="DataSource1">
<ConnectString>Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog="AdventureWorks"</ConnectString>
<Table Name="table1">
<Textbox Name="textbox11">
<Value />
<Textbox Name="textbox12">
<Value />
<Textbox Name="textbox15">
<Value />
<Textbox Name="textbox16">
<Value />
<Textbox Name="Department_1">
<Textbox Name="textbox4">
<Value />
<Grouping Name="table1_Group1">
<Textbox Name="EmployeeName_1">
<Textbox Name="DataValue_1">
<Textbox Name="textbox5">
<Value />
<Textbox Name="textbox6">
<Value />
<Matrix Name="matrix1">
<Textbox Name="Department">
<Grouping Name="matrix1_Department">
<Textbox Name="EmployeeName">
<Grouping Name="matrix1_EmployeeName">
<Textbox Name="textbox2">
<Value />
<Grouping Name="matrix1_ColumnGroup1">
<GroupExpression />
<Textbox Name="textbox1">
<Value />
<Textbox Name="DataValue">
<DataSet Name="DataSet2">
<CommandText>Select 'Physics' As Department, 'Joe Smith' As EmployeeName, 123 As DataValue
Union All
Select 'Physics', 'Mike Jones', 222
Union All
Select 'Physics', 'Kelly Roberts', 111
Union All
Select 'Chemistry', 'Sarah Paulson', 145
Union All
Select 'Kinestetics', 'Robert Paulson', 321
Union All
Select 'Kinestetics', 'Jimmy James', 235</CommandText>
<Field Name="Department">
<Field Name="EmployeeName">
<Field Name="DataValue">
<CodeModule>System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</CodeModule>
<Code />


I'm getting the following error message: when I add a group by row on my matrix1.

[rsAggregateInGroupExpression] A group expression for the matrix 'matrix1' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in group expressions.

Build complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings

The query is pretty tricky. In my report, I have a report parameter that takes in an employee id and does a select on the Department ID. After getting the Department ID, I select all the other employees corresponding to it. All the data is in one table. So, the SQL query would be like this

SELECT emp_id FROM emp_dept WHERE dept_id IN
(SELECT dept_id FROM emp_dept WHERE emp_id=@.emp_id_param)

In this report I'm trying to display all the emp_id's.

Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.





In addition, to the information in my previous mail. I'm building this report in Visual Studio2005 and not in Report Builder.


|||The error you are getting is caused by using an aggregate on a field in the group expression. Aggregates are not allowed in this context, and in your case does not seem to be needed.

If all you are displaying is the emp_id field values, then you don't really need to use a matrix. A table should give you what you need. If there is more information to display, including another dimension of data, and aggregations that need to be performed based on the dimensionality of the data, then a matrix would be the report item to use.

That being said, if you continue to use the matrix, make sure that the query includes the dept_id field in the field list, along with the emp_id. This value is needed for the first group.

The first group should have the group expression "=Fields!dept_id.Value" to first group the data by department. The second group should have the expression "=Fields!emp_id.Value" to group the data by employee. Based on the example query, this should give you the matrix described in the previous post.|||

Hi Ian

Thanks for you reply. As per your suggestion I used a table data region (in Report Designer). But for some reason only one emp_id is being display. Instead of three emp_ids which is the actual resultset.

I don't know why the other two emp_id's are not being displayed. Do you have any idea?

|||Which row in the table are you placing the emp_id field in? The one with the three horzontal lines in the box to the left of the row? Are you adding any groups to the table? If so, what fields are you grouping on?


Which row in the table are you placing the emp_id field in? The one with the three horzontal lines in the box to the left of the row? - Yes

Are you adding any groups to the table? - No


|||On the data screen, you see three rows of data, but only one is being displayed in the table? Can you post the rdl, so that I can take a closer look? Make sure to remove any sensitive data from it before posting.



I figured out the problem. The table that I was trying to create was inside a List report item and hence it was not displaying the emp_ids. I put the table outside the List. It gave my the result I was looking for. If you know why or what caused this behaviour that would give me a better understanding. Otherwise, don't bother about it.

Thanks for all the help and quick response that drove me towards the right solution.

