Friday, February 24, 2012


When a user logs in the system I mark a Table in the database(that is a new id is generated)
Now I need to write a query which actually gets the following things--

1)Total no of people logged in the system for a given date
2)Minimum no of people logged in the system for a given date
3)Maximum no of people logged in the system for a given date
4)Average no of people logged in the system for a given date.

Hope You guys would help me in writing this queryYou can get the total number of people who logged in by doing something like:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM LoginTable WHERE LoginDate = '2003/09/15'

I'm not sure what you mean by (2), (3), and (4). Do you mean the mininum number of people who were logged in simultaneously at a given moment in time during the day in question? (etc)

Ken|||Thanks mate .
I will try to explain

DataBase fields are


So when a user is logged in I add a line to this table (id is identity field).

I am creating a report to show how many users logged on
between two dates (start date and end date (between date) ).

I will provide two Dates text boxes for the report i.e
Start Date and End Date and then search button
so for example if

say on these dates the logged users are as
On Date 01/08/2003 Logged users are 10
On Date 02/08/2003 Logged users are 8
On Date 03/08/2003 Logged users are 3
On Date 04/08/2003 Logged users are 5

So query should return
Count of user-->26 on these dates
Minimum users-->3 on these dates
Maximum users-->10
Average users-->sum of users/Count of users

I hope this makes some sense.

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